Monday, April 26, 2010


After reading each poem below, research visual images for each poem, attempting to surmise the poet’s emotional intent. Post a copy of these images (one per poem) and submit a written response to the following questions for EACH poem.

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem?

1 – Dylan Thomas – Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night:

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
After reading “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas, I feel that when it is about that time to go one shouldn’t ramp and rave. I feel that in the poem it’s a struggle for light which is good to get easily over powered by darkness.

2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem?
The image that I chose reflects the emotions conjured by the poem which shows what the sky looks like when darkness is starting to take over. It also portrays the rage with the color of red being present that can symbolize a battle.

2 – Gwendolyn Brooks – We Real Cool

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
I feel that what is mentioned is true, we do think that we are all cool in a way that we can just do whatever we want but when it comes down to it and no matter how cool we are we will eventually die.
2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem?
This image reflects the reaction that one can be cool if they dress a certain way and are able to attract the opposite sex with that mind set.

3 – Emily Dickinson – I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
After reading this poem I feel that the message is trying to portray a person’s life is coming to a close and it’s starting with the brain. It still feels the heat making a beat similar to a drum but with less oxygen to it, it makes the body numb.

2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem? The image is suppose to resemble how time is falling down, like a countdown until it all stops and hits a surface. The image can also represent the time it takes for the body to last without getting enough oxygen to the brain and how things look when your losing consciousness.

4 - Robert Frost - The Road Not Taken

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
I feel that even though a road might not look as clear hence whatever can be waiting at the other side as long as you feel that you’ve made the right decision everything should be all well.

2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem?
This image reflects the path in which you choose. It also shows that there are obstacles in the way that make you choose which way to go just by looks forcing a distraction and keeping you from succeeding.

5- Shel Silverstein -If the World Was Crazy

1) What emotions/feelings do you have after reading the poem?
Through the poem it kept my interest. I felt that this poem was one I truly understood. I felt that the poem put me in that world. I was imagining a world of my own and thinking of how I could phrase a poem like that to share with others.

2) How does your chosen image reflect the emotions conjured by the poem?
I feel that this can better explain what the world may look like in my world. I used this image because in “Alice in Wonderland,” this girl was able to do whatever she wanted and associated to animals and feel what they think.

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