Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

  1. What is the setting of the story? Why is the idea that a well lighted place so significant to this story?
    -The setting of the story is set in a small, unnamed town, located somewhere in Spain. More specifically, the entire scene of the short story is set in a cafe and a street in a town that could serve as any town in the world.
    The idea that a well lighted place is so significant is because this cafe also serves alcoholic beverages.
  2. Why is the characters nameless?
    -The characters are nameless because the author wants us to feel as if we didn’t know someone that it would be sort of weird to talk to someone you didn’t really know and seeing them on a daily basis coming in a place at a certain time and getting to know their habits. The author wants us to realize that minimalism is so very dramatic, in fact, one feels that complexity or sophistication is not simply precluded, but actually written against.
  3. What is the connection between the old man and the old waiter?
    -The connection between the old man and the old waiter is that they are lonely, a little sad, love to drink, and they take pleasure in a quiet public place.
  4. Outline the plot to the story use quotes from the text 5 pieces
    -Plot: Begins in a cafe in Spain on a very late night, around 3am.
    -Rising action: An old man in the cafe very drunk wants to order another drink and the young waiter wants to go home but can’t because the cafe rules states that “one must not leaves until their last table is cleared.
    -Conflict: The old man didn’t want to leave the cafe.
    -Climax: The younger waiter finally get the old man to leave the cafe to then go home to see his family
    -Falling Action: The old waiter doesn’t go straight home, and He thinks how he completely understands the old man’s desire to linger at a cafe, because the ambiance of a cafe is entirely different from that of a bar or bodega.
  5. What is the theme in one sentence example from the story
    -The theme of the story is solidarity because one of the most important aspects of this story is the older waiter expressed solidarity with the old man. The older waiter was able to relate to the old man but the end of the night when we was walking back home and stopped by a bar on the way and noticed what was going on was also in his life.

Research Hemingway biographical
-Ernest Hemingway will always be associated with the dynamic group of artists known as the “modernists” whose ideas set the European continent on fire in the first decades of this century. These artists came from many countries, and many of them, like Hemingway, honed their art and thought in Paris in the 1920s.Hemingway’s time in Europe confirmed his decision to be, first and foremost, a fiction writer, even though he never gave up writing journalism and other nonfiction. This time also confirmed his life-long attachment to Spain, its traditions, and peoples, and once he had returned to the states for good, he spent much time in other Latin enclaves (Southern Florida and Cuba). Indeed, he wrote about Spanish and Latin American subjects throughout his career, as in the short story “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.” And although after the 1920s he never again lived exclusively in Europe, he traveled around the world constantly until his death (Africa was a favorite destination).

3 specific elements related to the story

Ernest Hemingway tired to commit suicide just like the old man in the story, and yes he was unsuccessful and his wife at the time even tried to sent him to a psych ward. Also another important fact was that Ernest Hemingway was also a very hard drinker just like the old man character in the story. Shortly after being released he Hemingway was successful and committed suicide by shooting himself with his shotgun. Tragic but is writing was brilliant and creative in that brain of his.

1 comment:

  1. Well-done! However, you needed to cite the story more in your responses.
    Grade = 18/20
